The History of Wedding Rings
The History of Wedding Rings The wedding ring: for as long as you can remember, you’ve probably been familiar with the tradition of exchanging rings on a wedding day. You probably understand that the exchanging of the wedding rings symbolizes love between two people. The tradition of the wedding ring has become so ingrained in society, you probably don’t even question it. And yet, think about it – from where did the tradition come from? Why choose a ring instead of, say, a necklace? Today we’re going to go over a general history of wedding rings. You’re going to...
The History of Wedding Rings

Keep Exercising
BLURB: Thinking about taking a break from your exercise routines this winter? You’ll start again in Spring, right? Think again. Maintaining your workout routine has a variety of benefits, from increased confidence to reduced stress to general feeling-goodness. Here are five compelling reasons to get off the couch and get down to the gym this winter. Part of the reason we went into the silicone ring business is because we wanted to give people the ability to work out and go to the gym without having to worry about damaging their wedding bands. How’d we get to know this was...
Keep Exercising

Where to Buy Silicone Rings
WHERE TO BUY SILICONE RINGS: RINFIT Silicone rings have, in recent years, undergone an increase in popularity. Part of the reason for this has to do with the number of things you can do with a silicone ring that you can’t do with a traditional wedding band. Many people are wondering: where can I buy silicone rings? The answer is simple: right here at Rinfit. Here are eight reasons why Rinfit is your one-stop shop for quality silicone rings. 1. Find your size with ease.You’re about to buy a silicone ring, either for yourself or for your loved one. Now...
Where to Buy Silicone Rings

10 Things to Avoid While Wearing a Wedding Ring
Maybe you’re asking yourself: who has a need for a silicone ring, and why? Silicone rings are a bit different from your usual wedding bands in a couple of ways. In a nutshell, silicone rings allow you to do activities that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to do while wearing a typical wedding ring. Maybe you already know a few of these, but few people actually know just how many ways that your ring (or even finger!) can be damaged wearing a regular wedding band. Here are ten things you’ll want to avoid doing if you’d rather keep your wedding...
10 Things to Avoid While Wearing a Wedding Ring

Ring Avulsion: The Dark Side to Traditional Wedding Bands
When you hear about silicone rings, you usually hear a lot of benefits: they’re stylish. They’re less expensive than traditional wedding bands. They’re hypoallergenic (unless you’re allergic to silicone). They’re safe. Wait, what was that? They’re “safe”? Isn’t that what’s meant by “hypoallergenic”? Actually, no. “Hypoallergenic” just means that the materials used aren’t going to cause you to have an allergic reaction. “Safe” means that you’re free from the traditional wedding ring’s secret and oft-overlooked shame: ring avulsion. What’s ring avulsion? Ring avulsion is a common problem, but it doesn’t see a lot of time in the public spotlight. The...
Ring Avulsion: The Dark Side to Traditional Wedding Bands

20 Ideas to Create the Perfect Proposal
Here it is, Valentine’s Day. Love is in the air. All around you’re seeing hearts and chocolates. You’re going to be seeing all sorts of couples out and about to celebrate this, the most romantic day of the year. Some enterprising fellas are going to capitalize on the romantic nature of the day by proposing. Are you? Think about it. You’ve been together for a couple of years. You’ve wined. You’ve dined. Every time you see each other you learn something new, have a little bit more fun. You feel complete. More than complete. When you’re around that Special Someone,...
20 Ideas to Create the Perfect Proposal

Valentine's Day
BLURB: Working in the jewelry business means that we specialize in more than just selling high-quality silicone wedding rings. Our customers range from people wanting to play sports without worrying about losing their wedding band, to people on the cusp of proposing. In short, we know romance. Are you at a loss for what to do on Valentine’s Day? Don’t worry – we have you covered. Here’s a list of nine things you can do this coming Valentine’s Day that is sure to light up the romance in your relationship. Valentine’s Day. If there’s one thing we understand as a...